Press Release Service

Need a press release, article or blog written?

Do you know what you want to say, but don't know how to deliver it? You might want to share an upcoming event, some exciting news or even just profile a new staff member.   

Let us take the pressure off with Very Media's Press Release Service. 

Very Media press release service


What you need to do:

Send us a rough draft, some notes, background information, thoughts ... anything you've put together.  Let us do the rest. 

What we will do:

We'll take your content to the next level through exceptional writing that has impact.

Why use a professional writer?

We know how to make your content stand out in all the right ways. As former journalists we also know what the media is looking for, so we'll give your press release a hook that is bound to grab attention. 

Or if you simply want an article or blog for your website or another platform, we can tailor your message for your target audience. 

You can trust our award-winning writers. 


Our press release service is offered at a flat rate of $200 per release.


- Cost covers releases/articles of approximately 300-600 words

- One round of questions sent through to you in order to fill any missing gaps

- Article returned within FIVE business days


- Any substantial research.  The person requesting the press release or article should provide as much information as possible. 

- Any direct pitching to media outlets.  We will supply the content only. However, we can assist with your strategy for an additional cost.  

Press release service order form